Affirmations are simple, positive statements. They are to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Many of us have negative thoughts, sometimes frequently. When we think like this, our confidence, mood and outlook can become negative, too. A pit which is very easy to fall into, trust me I know. I’ve spent years of my life being my own worst enemy and being a real pessimist. It’s been a factor in my depression and my problem’s with my own mental health (MH). But taking part in daily affirmations and stating them regularly has helped me to refocus, I’ve seen and felt my MH improve and speaking to friends, it’s done the same for them.
The problem with negative thoughts is that they can become self-fulfilling prophecies. We talk ourselves into believing that we're not good enough and, as a result, these thoughts drag down our personal lives, our relationships, our careers and overall our mindset. But, if we deliberately do the opposite and use positive thoughts about ourselves, the effect can be just as powerful but also, much more helpful.
Repeating affirmations helps to reprogram the unconscious mind and helps to set you up for success. These positive mental repetitions can reprogram our thinking patterns so that, over time, we begin to think and act differently. In a way that benefits us. So basically whatever you say, you start to truly believe and that whatever it is becomes more likely to happen.
What’s this all about?
So what are affirmations? Well let me tell you. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat, they can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes. You might consider affirmations to be unrealistic "wishful thinking." But affirmations are very similar to exercises for your body. You do repetitive exercises to improve your physical health, so basically affirmations are like exercises for your mind and overall outlook. That’s what I like to think of them as.
They work in more or less reprogramming your brain in thinking differently about yourself and the world around you. For affirmations to truly work, the person stating them has to fully believe in affirmations and what they are saying. It’s no good to just keep saying them half hearted and with doubt. They’ll never work if you do it this way.
Okay so, how does this benefit you?
What would be the point in partaking in daily affirmations if they didn’t benefit you? None. At. All. But I am pleased to say (for the sake of this post alone lol) that there are many benefits to daily affirmations. Both short term and long term. Yay.
Daily affirmations can help with stress and depression, low self esteem, they can boost your problem solving skills, improve your relationships and can even improve your health (no I did not make all that up).
Short term, affirmations give you a chance to take time out in your day to focus on yourself. Whether it’s in front of a mirror for just a minute or whether you use them during meditation for a longer period of time. They give you a chance to refocus and gain clarity on your thoughts and feelings. They also give you a chance to just breathe and think about how to react to situations differently. Affirmations can motivate you to hold onto truths when we’re struggling. Your thoughts can manifest reality and motivate your actions into making positive changes. The affirmations are the starting points of change.
Long term, they can reduce anxiety and depression, helping you to acknowledge and control your feelings. They can boost your confidence as you learn to love yourself and who doesn’t want that eh. They can make you feel more optimistic and happier with a clearer perspective on what you want in life. People who recite daily affirmations are more focused and capable of making the right decisions in difficult situations. Affirmations can also encourage a stronger sense of self-worth, making you more likely to improve your own well-being. They remind yourself of your values and can spur you on to change your behaviour in a more positive way. They can really help you learn to be the best version of yourself. Affirmations also have a proven effect on your health in the long run. Science has proven that people who think positively, feel better and live longer lives compared to those who don’t.
Positive affirmations can also have a massive impact on our relationships. When we start to think better of ourselves we respect ourselves more and in result our confidence grows and we become happier. If you tell yourself that you attract ease in all areas of your life, including your relationships with others, you’re more likely to walk into a social setting with confidence. Your friendships and romantic relationships enjoy an instant boost!
Remember, action is key
Repeating an affirmation can help boost your motivation and confidence, but you still have to take some action yourself. I hate to break it to you but affirmations can't do everything for you. Try thinking of affirmations as a step toward change, not the change itself. They can be a big part of changing the way you see yourself but to truly change your life or parts of it, you need to act on these new points of view.
An affirmation like “I can remain calm even when I feel annoyed” might guide you to a habit of deep breathing or grounding exercises when you start to feel your blood boil. These tactics, combined with your affirmations, help you get through the stressful moment until you can politely make an escape. The affirmation didn’t make the change, you did. But it did offer a starting point and that is important to remember.
So where do you start?
The best way to get started in channelling the power of daily affirmations (I cringe at that but let's keep going shall we) is to simple start saying them every day. It helps to either stand in front of a mirror or if you feel too awkward, maybe sit down and close your eyes to begin. Start by beginning sentences with 'I am', for example 'I am happy', 'I am confident'.
You’ll probably feel silly at first, but keep practising until you feel your beliefs shifting in a more positive direction and you start to feel your mindset shifting to a more calm and positive outlook. If you’re having trouble remembering to recite daily affirmations, create a vision board or other physical reminder of your intention and keep it in your office or living space. This will remind you of the goals you have set for yourself and motivate you to keep on track. Don’t worry if you don’t do affirmations everyday. Every once in a while is also good to being.
Affirmations also hold a key to unlocking the 'Law of Attraction' and creating the life of your dreams but that's a whole nother post for a whole nother day. I'll be doing a blog post all about the 'Law of Attraction' next week. So check back to read that one.

If any of this interests you or you’re just curious to see what I rant about next, please stay tuned and follow The Lifestyle Change on social media to keep up to date with new posts!
Until next time, sending positive energy to you all,
If any of this interests you or you sometimes just like a little education reading material, I have added handy links and interesting material for you to have a look at.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a certified expert, I am not a professional and I am not medically trained. This series mainly serves to share all the information I have learned from credible sources. If you are in anyway affected by this subject or this post, please seek professional help, 'The Lifestyle Change' is no way affiliated with the links below.
Healthline: Positive Affirmations: Too Good to Be True? -
Mind Tools: Using Affirmations -
Positive Psychology: Positive Daily Affirmations: Is There Science Behind It? -